Saturday, October 20, 2007

My housemate is FUBAR

FUBAR means F*&*ED Up Beyond Repair. It's a word we used to use to describe a machine that needed to be replaced or at least had been damaged so badly it warranted replacing so as not to waste much time fixing. Kinda like putting an animal to sleep.
My house mate is a pathetic old woman, 65 yrs old, unemployed, "retired" teacher.
Here's the lowlights:
  1. Suffers from migraines and is therefore...
  2. ...addicted to every painkiller known to medicine
  3. She gets weekly morphine shots and staggers around the place a danger to herself and a nuisance to me
  4. She is also under anti-depressant and anxiety meds
  5. She takes more pills than I have ever seen anyone take
  6. She is flat broke and in major debt
  7. She is irresponsible (doesn't pay her bills)
  8. She let the power be cut off last week
  9. It was turned back on the next day
  10. I always see "passed due" notices on her desk (util's, mortgage, insurance, medical bills, cable, etc...the list is endless)
  11. Loves to keep all the windows open, even during a a windy dust storm like today
  12. She has rearranged her furniture twice this week only to put it back in the same place!
  13. Leaves her TV and light on all night, every night
  14. There's so much more!
I expect marshals to come knocking any day now to kick her out and have the bank take repossession of this town home. At the very least I expect another utility to be cut.
I hope she overdoses and dies. Well, at least check into rehab.
