Yes people, I don't just watch movies, I crack open a book once in awhile too. Actually I am usually reading a few books at the same time and it takes me a long time to finish one. I have always loved reading and has a pre-teen I discovered Judy Blume. I read a very worn copy of "Are You There God, It's Me Margaret?". I don't remember where I got the book, or who gave it to me, but I remember falling in love with the book and reading it over and over again. Eventually I ended up with a copy of the book "Forever". This was THEE book. The sex book. The one where they talked about "doing it" and where I learned guys name their penis. (ironically enough the one in Forever was called Ralph). I kept this book hidden in the closet and read it over and over and then over again. Not to long ago I checked out one of her newer adult books. I don't know where I would have learned about sex and menstruation if I had not read these Judy Blume books. She has this way of capturing the emotions of the teen and their changing bodies. Her characters answer the questions that many young girls are afraid to ask out loud. This book is a collection on essays by women writers and how Judy Blume books have inspired them. These writers tell their stories about how Judy Blume made them feel as girls and as adults. They weave their personal stories with that of Blume heroines. This was a very quick, and fun read. It will remind you of your childhood favorite books and will leave you wanting to read every Judy Blume book ever published!
Money Movie Rating: $$$$
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