A 1995 film that captures the horrors of junior high. I found this movie because of a crush on a TV character. I was reading a bio on Eric Mabius from Ugly Betty. It mentioned a movie he did called Welcome to the Dollhouse. So with the wonder that is Netflix I was able to pull it up on my laptop and watch it. (Man I LOVE instant gratification!) The main character Dawn Wiener is played by the talented Heather Matazarro and is a geeky junior high girl from New Jersey who is overshadowed in her family by her super smart brother and her beautiful ballerina little sister. School is even worse. She has no friends at school and is tormented by a bully named Brandon. He is gets he in trouble at school and threatens to "rape her" at 3 pm. He threats are a cover up and an excuse to be alone with Dawn. But Dawn falls for an older boy. Steve Rodgers (Eric Mabius with long reddish hair) is a high school bad boy with rock star dreams. In exchange for computer science tutoring, Steve becomes the lead singer for Dawns brothers band. Dawn sits outside and watches band practice and finds any alone time with Steve that she can. He is nice to her, but leaves for New York to pursue his music career. Even her bully/boyfriend Brandon leaves her in the end and she is left with the thought that junior high is awful, but high school is even worse. Although this movie is about 12 years old, it is still an emotional portrayal of how awful, scary, and awkward the junior high years can be.
Money Movie Rating: $$$$
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